Residential Complex With Unique Architecture In Eyüp Sultan Istanbul

Atilgan Haus

Residential Complex With Unique Architecture In Eyüp sultan Istanbul

Istanbul, Eyüp sultan
Economic Family Concept Investment
Starting from 280,000 USD
City: Istanbul
District: Eyüp sultan
Project Type: Apartment,
Project Land: 1960 M2
Flat Type: 2, Bedrooms
Total Unit: 72
Delivery Date: 12/2023
Referance #: 44113
Latest Price Update



Down Payment
Interest Rate
Bedrooms Min. Size (M2) Max. Size (M2) Min. Price Max. Price
2 116 116 280,000 USD 345,000 USD


Children's playgrounds
Fitness center
Parking Lot


  • Why Buy This Property

This Residential Complex With Unique Architecture In Eyüp sultan Istanbul, is located in the European part of Istanbul. Also, this project has many amenities. This project has very convenient and easy access. Due to its excellent location, buying this property makes life easier for residents. Also, this project has a beautiful view of Alibeykoy vadi.

Check here for more Residential Complex With Unique Architecture In Eyüp sultan Istanbul.

  • Project Details

This project is built on a land with an area of 1960 square meters and in 2 blocks with 9 floors and 72 residential units.

  • Access

Airport: 20 minutes, TEM highway: 2 km, Bus station: 1 km, Tram: 500 m, Metro: 350 m, Haliç University: 10 minutes, Bilgi University: 15 minutes, Shopping center: 3 minutes

  • Flat Types

This property has 2 bedroom houses with a size of 116 square meters.

  • Facilities

Gym, sauna, covered parking, children’s playground


City: Istanbul
District: Eyüp sultan
Country: Turkey

Contact Person

Hamid Talebi
+90 533 151 44 74
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